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Monday, 28 April 2014

Spinning around

The weather forecast for tomorrow is: outbreaks of gremlins, followed by scatterings of zombies and the occasional shower of agonised whimpering.

My head is spinning and I'm only just sanitised following another good workout out that left me bathed in salty goodness.

The spin is due to a wonderful thing ominously known as "the mechanic". A mind boggling defensive move that doubles as an attack. Done well you're just likely to mesmerise your attacker as you are to break quite a few bones in his hands when he (or she) throws that punch.
This evening though I think anyone attacking me would be incapacitated by falling to the floor in fits of giggles. It was not a graceful sight!

On the plus side, I am tolerably sure that by the time I wake up tomorrow I will be totally impervious to Zombies :-)
Those nano-gremlin colonies are getting a feast of lactic acid and rapidly multiplying, especially in my poor abused shoulders.
-Quick madness of FraidyKat back track: Nano-Gremlins inhabit exercise addicts and live on lactic acid. They're the real reason you hurt after working out. They also taste really bad and combined with the acid make a person really unpalatable to Zombies.-
Survive the apocalypse, exercise to exhaustion!

Ahem, back to slightly less insane musings.
The Toddler Snot Bug has all but gone and I am determined to get back on track with the running.
I have also been inspired for the Race for Life - I shall be running in costume as a Predator (Hunting down cancer and all that jazz).
Currently still figuring out how to make said costume but the plan is taking shape.
I also now have a confirmed team of 4 for October's ToughMudder. Insanity likes company.

Brain fried by conspiracy theories? Confused by alien encounters and ghostly visitations? Cure that mental disturbance with a regular dose of the miracle drug "Cynicism".
Available in most good educational establishments and reputable websites.
Beware imitations, "Paranoia" is a dangerous drug and unscrupulous dealers are packaging it as seemingly healthy Information Injections.
Stay safe, keep a pack of Cynicism in your medicine cabinet.

FraidyKat Runs - for cover

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