Welcome to the wonderful chronically chaotic and fantastical world within FraidyKat's frazzled mind.
Today has been spent mostly in a semi-conscious daze from which I have briefly risen with the aide of near lethal injections of caffeine to sustain me.
Last night sleep did not happen. The whole family was awake, coughing, crying or meowing and treadling, and all timed superbly for maximum sleep disruption. We are therefore all extremely cranky and looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight.
It's all the more galling when I have a copy of the latest instalment of the Hobbit waiting to be watched but I am too tired to enjoy it tonight and tomorrow night it won't happen because due to reorganisation from Easter I will being doing a special two hour Defence Lab (I expect to be held for an inordinately high ransom by the Nano Gremlins this weekend).
On the plus side, the worst of the Toddler Snot Bug has been defeated - aside from the annoying lingering cough - no more bulk buying of tissues required, yay!
On the negative side, today I have had to avoid mirrors for fear of breaking them with the bags under my eyes. My make up free face is bad enough that even zombies would step back and groan "hey, you need a spa day" (oh I can only wish for such luxuries).
A ghoul might think I look okay, but then they're not very choosy about their meat, they even eat from the Chinese in the cheapest part of the town; they even eat kebabs when they're sober and that's just plain crazy.
I think we have now cracked the zombie proof home, basically build a castle on an island and you're pretty safe. Now to figure out how to defend against a Dracolich. First instinct says I need to make a scarecrow of some kind, perhaps I should dress one up as a dragonslayer and equip it with an undead slaying artifact...
Maybe the easiest option would simply be not to set up home in a Dracolich's territory. Hmm, sounds a bit to sensible to me.
FraidyKat Runs - for Zzzz
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