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Friday, 18 April 2014

Evil bugs

They have done it to me again!

They have waited until I am already at a low ebb and then leapt on for a ride.
Despite waking with a sore throat this morning I was determined to go for a run.
Now gloriously on a long weekend away, I had intended to use the run an excuse to explore the holiday park.
I even remembered to pack my running gear. but now my sore throat has developed into a cough, that horrible industrial illness wheezing kind making it hard a draw a deep breath.
Compound that with Wednesday's conversation with the GP "I'm afraid the only way to deal with your pain is surgery to remove the gallbladder". Sigh, this is not turning out to be my finest year.

The evil Bile Daemons have cursed my digestive system and now the Toddler Snot Bugs have migrated to my lungs and are dancing through my windpipe with gravel lodged in their boot treads.
If Calpol can knock them flat on their tiny backs I wonder if Lemsip can manage the same?
And I wonder if I will be brave enough, or stupid enough, to hold the delayed exploration run tomorrow morning before we go out?

Today's in car topics were "how to build the perfect zombie proof fortress" and the perenneal favourite  "can zombies swim?" Theoretical discussion proved inconclusive; although we agreed that for ammunition purposes the most logical ranged weapons in the zombie appocalypse are the catapult or the sling.
The next task is to work out what traps and containment methods are best the catch the zombies we need to test the above theorys.

FraidyKat Runs - from Toddler Snot Bugs

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