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Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Independence or busted

Three days into my training plan and my resident colony of lactic acid munching Nano-Gremlims are about to stage a vote on whether to declare my thigh muscles an independent state, and with them vastly out numbering the native FraidyKat muscle cells I think they have a good chance of carrying the vote.
If I wake up tomorrow unable to walk I will know the vote did not go in my favour and I will have to hire in mercenaries to get the foreign immigrants removed.

I hear that hot water bottles and ice-packs are good at holding the invaders at bay, but while they work for a mere pittance they are only good at guard duty.
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are cheap soldiers and noted for their steady progress but the real shock troops are Voltarol, their battalions come by tube and squads are squeezed out to parachute directly into hostile territory and decimate the enemy.

For those opposed to chemical warfare, both heat and cold therapies (whichever feels best at the time) are renowned for their bringing of aid - they are the Red Cross care package of bodily recovery.
For combatants with time on their hands, a long soak in a hot bath liberally sprinkled with Epsom Salts is reputed to do a world of good.
For the time short and the masochistic a little recovery exercise gets mobility back. Not for the faint hearted, it takes a lot of will power to get started but Nano-Gremlins don't like heat so tend to avoid warmed muscles at least for a little while.

Ignoring the minor power struggle currently on going, I will admit that my first proper run in a year (which I acknowledge was very short and more walk than run) was much easier than I expected it to be. I felt  comfortable and easily within my ability level. This came as a huge surprise when the first time I set about running, the 1minute run / 90 second walk routine felt like horrendous torture.
Perhaps this is proof that there is such a thing as residual fitness or maybe my body just knew what to expect this time around. Either way I am encouraged into thinking this may be possible after all.

The seasons are dancing their handover, Winter is quite graciously giving way to the brighter and bolder Spring but we must be vigilant in case he pulls a sneaky frost out of the bag. Just case my warm jumpers are staying out of the wardrobe for a little longer - they give +3 protection from Cold spells and when combined with a woolly hat their protective qualities are more than all but the very worst mid-Winter chills can defeat.

FraidyKat Runs - to keep warm

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