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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Pain! (A review of Regiment Fitness)

Yes, I know, I tried out Regiment Fitness on Saturday and here it is Tuesday and I'm only just telling you how it went. Sorry, I've been too busy feeling sorry for myself.

So, Regiment Fitness...
Bright and early (ish) I turned up at the local park and, after leaving dear partner and the chaos daemons at the playground, made my way to the liveried van and waiting instructor.
He was friendly, professional and encouarging from the onset. There were only three of us there, the class only kicked off a few weeks ago so it's no surprise, but if there is any justice it will soon become a rather larger group because, oh boy, is it hardcore.
Don't get me wrong, for each exercise there is an easy and a hard option and for the running parts a short and long distance, you make it as hard as you like. Unfortunately, I forgot that it's been several years since I did any weightlifting and I may have overdone the squats just slightly - FraidyKat has spent the last three days swearing at stairs because going down has been agony, the nano-gremlins and pain pixies have been partying in my quads since Saturday afternoon.
Despite the pain I shall definitely been going back this week, it was the right sort of pain, muscle exhaustion not injury and it was totally my fault for not stepping it down when I should have.
 And now I'm trying to justify the monthly cost of the classes. It's actually a really good deal, less than a gym membership for unlimited classes where ever you want to take them, I'm only hesitant because I'm already paying for Defence Lab and pennies are tight in FraidyKat's house.

Conclusion: If you have any thoughts of trying a military bootcamp class (and even if you don't), go to Groupon and get the voucher for 5 really cheap sessions. It was great fun and I can't wait until Saturday to torture myself again under the watchful tuition of a strapping military veteran - supporting our returned heroes and getting fit in the great outdoors is a great combination.

Elsewhere in FraidyKat's universe  it's harvest time. Round 1 of the fruit harvest, Damsons and Plums. I love having fruit trees in the garden, it's free food. You do nothing all year and then suddenly there's the frantic harvest to get hold of nature's sweeties. Yum.
We were a bit too late for the Plums :-(, they should have been picked as soon as we got back from Scotland but the time was just not there and the Wasps got to them first. We only salvaged half a dozen plums from the tree.
 The Damsons were a different story. Seven jars of jam, two bottles of gin and two gallons of wine. There would have been more but we were caught short of sugar and yeast and the remains are spoiling, so it's going in the composter for the vegetable garden.
Next will be the apple trees, mmm cider, and pear trees (all for dear partner, FraidyKat doesn't do pears, ickky).

I bring up the fruit harvest because I have returned to thinking about my diet and nutrition.
Last week I had my pre-op assessment and tests so I am expecting to go in for my gallbladder operation in the next couple of weeks (fingers crossed). This brings with it tantalising promise of freedom from the low fat purgatory I have found myself in, but I must not fall into the trap so many other people do and gain weight post-op. Freedom to eat the foods so long forbidden is a powerful draw, I just hope that fat loss is a bigger draw and I am able to just tweak the diet rather than abandon it.

We seem to be experiencing an explosion in the rabbit population at the moment, what is feeding this? Is it the windfall apples? They have been battling the wasps for the honour.
It's a battle to see who wins the rights to the garden.
The mice have already lost the battle, our Mogs has seen to that, last night we received one and a half mice as a gift - it's always the half that's hard, have you just missed the other half? Are you just about to tread on it?
But there's a new contender in the vicinity, a heavy weight that even Mogs won't dare challenge. There's a new Badger Set at the bottom of the paddock. The real bosses of the rural lands have arrived and they're just toying with the rabbits, letting them think they're in charge while it's convenient, or maybe they just fancy apples right now.

FraidyKat runs - with pain

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