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Thursday, 28 August 2014

First an apology

It's been a very long time since I last posted.
I could wax lyrical about the zombie appocalypse afflicting my home, the hazmat quarantine preventing any movment in or out, the volcano in the garden spewing forth posionous toxins, the alien abduction or even the sleeping sickness, but truth is I've been rather distracted by life (how rude of it to get in the way of a perfectly good fictional alternative reality).

But I am now back and hopefully I will be getting better at this typing malarcy with a fresh start.

This was one of my discractions. The river Tay, at the bottom of Loch Tay. It made for a very picturesque holiday and it included spotting birds of prey outside our lodge, watching fishing boats head out to sea, driving into a mountain (no not crashing, literally driving into a mountain, Cruachan Power Station, also called the Hollow Mountain) and Deer spotting - sorry dearest partner, FraidyKat saw the deer, partner was very miffed to miss them all.
The ten hour journey to get there was horrible (although I must praise the patience of the little chaos daemons) and I wussed out of running with the hills being way too steep, but with modest walking and sticking to sensible(ish) eating I managed to gain no weight.
Given my usual form when on holiday, to return no heavier than I left is a major achievement and one to be very proud of.

To be less proud of is the abandonment of my exercise programme. I have really let it go to pot. What with injury (shin splints and big toe pain) and illness (gallbladder again) it's been all but impossible to keep up with the schedule so I am running only a few miles at a time, still, grumble.
I am managing an average of 2 Defence Lab sessions a week and I am trying to build up to 3 runs a week (2 short, 1 long).
Thanks to a Groupon offer I will be trying some sessions with Regiment Fitness at a local park (military bootcamp style that's now so popular). I need to work on my strength to get through the ToughMudder - 72 days to go! - and resistance exercise seems to be the way to go.
I'm doing the session on Saturday, I'll let you know how it goes.

The weight loss is going in fits and starts. Now most of the pre-chaos agents clothing fits (at last, yippee!) but the skinny day clothing is still out of reach and my goal weight is a distant dream.
I will get there, I just have to put down the cake and back away slowly.

Meanwhile, in the land of FraidyKat, sweets and cookies are good for you, no one has to go to slimming clubs and there's no such thing as VAT! But even in this idillic place there are problems.
The cute bunny rabbits in the garden are actually cyborgs, kitted out with the latest spy gadgetry. I don't yet know what they want but I'm wondering if their appearance at the same time as the bats is related. What are they looking for? FraidyKat doesn't have anything valuable - okay, there might be a treasure hoard in the shed but that come complete with a very tetchy dragon, good luck to anyone who tries going for that!

FraidyKat runs - Away from cake

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