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Saturday, 8 February 2014

Toddlers Raves and Stiff upper lips

Strange isn't it how we as a nation swing between conservatism and wild excess. That famous stiff upper lip simply refuses to abandon us - queue patiently, please, thank you, sorry when it wasn't even my fault. We tut when someone breaks a social taboo but if we do dare take action we are dreadfully polite about it.
Then comes the weekend - down to the pub, get those drinks in. Many a prison sentence, or divorce come to that, can claim its root to be that innocent phrase "I'll just have one or two".
And who can forget our attrocious holiday reputation? Well, it's one long weekend in'it.
Oddly, I was reminded of this when I so innocently decided to put on some music.  Toddlers dance with such wild abandon - the rave was on and not only was I invited, my attendance was compulsory. A teenager in Ibiza could learn a lot from this wild party animal.
Well, that was my exercise for the day believe me and just to see the innocent smiles and crazy dance moves was a cure for melancholy.

Obviously dear Pharm Acy's healing potion worked on that one. I am still waiting (and wheezing) for mine to take effect.

Regardless of germ warfare I started the diet - and found the first fasting day to be surprisingly easy. Knowing I can eat what I want the next day makes the deprivation absolutely bearable.

Goblins beware, I now have a young Berserker in training. She can fit in your deminutive tunnels, is an expert with thrown Lego and her nappies are a source of a most feared Stinking Cloud. Trespass and be doomed.

Fraidykat runs away from germs

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