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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Episode 404 - Revenge of the HTML

I venture now into a realm of geekhood previously uncharted in my experience of computers.
Due to the hated God Economics, it has been decided in the household that someone should turn web designer, and I have been nominated due to theoretically having more time to learn the black art and perform the ritual sacrifices to the spirits that live within the computer.
I have therefore been forced to learn the language of HTML - the code behind most web pages that make them look pretty and do what you want them to. The concept is easy enough (I won't in to it here because 1. I'm far from an expert and 2. This is certainly not that sort of blog.) but it get complicated quickly, a bit like creating equations in spreadsheets. Unravelling things when it goes wrong is like trying rewind a ball of wool after four hyperactive kittens have had it for an hour (been there, done that - please don't ask).
I only broach this subject here after having a hissy-fit at my computer earlier when trying to edit a mistake on my last post.
As it turns out, using red text for emphasis is not a good idea when you have a green background - Thanks to my colour-blind partner for pointing that out to me! - edit has instead used blue for clarity.
The problem was an HTML glitch that was trying to do three conflicting things at once and causing a nightmare on incomprehensible nonsense.
Fortunately, the little dabbling I have so far done in the dark art was enough for me to spot the problem and fix it. Yay for new found geekability!

Back to the nominal topic of this blog (normalish service being resumed):
After a decidedly disrupted week I have managed only 2 fast days and still managed to lose 1lb.
I could say only 1lb but that would belittle those days ability to reverse the effects of homemade cookies (yum) and dining out on fish and chips.
Perhaps this was aided by the session of martial arts which has caused me to re-jig my fast days (intensive exercise on virtually no calories? Erm, not for me thanks). Either I shall not be put off, even if I am still too chicken to tell my family what I am doing(another diet, is it good for you, blah, blah, blah).

To exercise, it has been martial arts and a little core strength (nothing fancy just the basics, engage core, crunches, leg raises etc).
I do have a bowling ball carrier (a miraculously fitting sports bra discovered lurking in the back of a drawer, thanks to post-pregnancy exercise version 1) so it's just waiting for the 30mph winds and intermittent driving rain to subside and I will be back to cracking the pavement as I thud down it in an approximation of an elephant jogging.
Honestly, I'm not a fair weather runner but I don't think running in severe storm conditions is conducive to anything more than pneumonia.

Today's forecast is: Low zombie activity.
Prevailing winds are slowing the rotting pestilence whilst flooding give rises to a fascinating practical observation - can zombies swim or do they just walk a long at bottom? And if they get washed out to sea and eaten will we get a plague of zombie sharks?

FraidyKat Runs - away from computers

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