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Thursday, 6 February 2014

Bowling balls and Plague

Oh cruel nectar of life, evil beauty that is sweet sweet sugar. Teamed with fat, refined carbs  and those souless mercenaries the E-numbers you have confronted me and at every turn I have surrendered to you.
Churchill would be horrified of a Briton who would wave the white flag with such enthusiasm

I therefore begin my diet tomorrow.
No more do I give comfort to the enemy who's foot soldiers are sweets, chocolate and crisps.

Since I have also discovered (to my great embarrassment) that thanks to last year's weight gain I can no longer fit into my running gear I must come up with a new and improved strategy to rescue my fat besieged body.
- simply buying new gear is out for two reasons:
1) The money pixsies have chosen to blackball me from their favoured list.
2) Clothing manufacturers have long known that plus sized women simply do not run or otherwise require good quality sports gear. This point also extends to attempts to find a good sports bra for a G cup (yes I routinely carry a pair of bowling balls on my chest).

I enter my bootcamp tomorrow. Fat cells beware, the eviction notice is issued, the toecaps are on - you will be emptied.
The way is Alternate Day Fasting: What I want (minus above) one day and 600 calories (branded meal replacement) the next.

Those nasty little Goblins are getting closer. They have drilled a pilot hole and got their Shaman to cast a Plague cloud into my home.
The great Alchemist Pharm Acy has provided two potions to us, great cures known as Calpol and Lemsip.
Biological Warfare is an underhand tactic but it will not defeat me.

Today FraidyKat Runs away from Sugar and Snot.

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