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Saturday, 6 September 2014

Normal Service is resumed - Today, the limitations of BMI

Normal service is being resumed. It's a bit like British Rail with leaves on the line and a replacement bus service, but FraidyKat is back to normal.

This time the topic is BODPOD and BMI.

As I previously said, I discovered the BODPOD and promptly got myself booked in. I was lucky, they only let members of the public use it for one afternoon a month and it's booked up for months. It's a wonderfully simple concept, you get into a small chamber - the POD - and it uses air displacement to measure your body composition. Combined with highly accurate medical scales the BODPOD can give you an accurate picture of your body make up that's second only to a water displacement test or a full body MRI. Since I don't know where I can get the water displacement done and there's no way I can afford a full body MRI, the BODPOD was the next best thing.
I wanted to know how accurate my home scales are and what I should really be aiming for when it comes to my goal weight.

So on Friday off I toddled to Coventry Hospital to get measured. The nurses were super friendly and helpful and the process completely painless.
I had to put on a swimming costume and I was given a super sexy (!) swimming cap. My height and weight were measured and then I stepped into an egg:

See, egg.
I had to sit still for a minute (blissful, as anyone with two little chargers in the home will understand), then they opened it up again and checked I was okay before doing it again.
That done, I got changed and by the time I was again dressed the results were in.

Now before you pass judgement on FraidyKat , please note that I have been trying really hard this year and I have managed to lose 23kg so far - I'd call it baby weight, but let's honest, there were a lot of chocolate bars and chips there too - and I plan on losing a lot more before I am done.

So, the results:
FraidyKat weighs 83.3kg  
Of that 30.3kg is fat and 53kg is lean mass (the rest).
So I am 36.4% fat  

According to the sheet they gave me that puts me in the Excess Fat category (31-40%), but thankfully clear of Risky.
For the record the categories for women are:
Risky (high body fat) - >40%     Needs to lose fat (obese)
Excess Fat - 31-40%                   Excess, could lose but not dangerous
Moderately Lean - 23-30%         Generally health
Lean - 19-22%                            Generally considered excellent for health
Ultra Lean - 15-18%                   Elite Athlete Level
Risky (low body fat) - <15%      Under weight, not healthy
(For men, subtract 10% from each category)

Oh how I want to be Lean.
Lots of numbers here to process but please bear with me while I tell you how this makes a mockery of BMI...

At present, at 83.3kg, my BMI is 28.8 (it was 36.6 last December).
To be healthy my BMI should be between 18.5 and 25. At minimum that means I have to lose 10.8kg, at maximum I can lose 29.8kg.
Hang on a second, from the BODPOD I know that mt fat % equates to 30kg. I would have to lose 8kg of lean mass to be healthy at the bottom of the "Healthy" BMI range.

At the highest healthy BMI of 25 my weight should be 72.5. Assumed I only lost fat (a big ask but I am trying to go slow and steady while working out so theoretically possible), I would end up somewhere around 27% fat, perfectly healthy.

You have to remember that for my height, the supposedly healthy BMI range is 19kg (2st 13lb in Church of England), 53.5-72.5kg, that's the same as a fully packed holiday suitcase!

In short:
Healthy by BMI: 53.5-72.5kg
Healthy by Fat %: 62.35-75.7kg (assuming lean mass is all retained)

That's 9kg (1st 6lb) difference in my minimum healthy weight and yet BMI is so often seen as the be all and end all of health equations.

When did we all stop being people and start being statistics?
I'm hardly a body builder and my build isn't massively different to  everyone elses and yet there's so much inbuilt inaccuracy in a method of measuring health that so many people see as gospel it's eye watering.

FraidyKat Runs - From BMI

Friday, 5 September 2014

So hard to be selfish with the world going mad (sorry for the politics)

Here I was feeling really proud of myself, I realised today that I have lost pretty much exactly 3.5stone this year (wow, take that baby weight!), then I flicked over to the news and saw how mad things are getting in the world. Celebrating losing some of the weight I have gained after years of eating junk pales in comparison to the things people are dealing with around the world.

This whole business with ISIS for a start - what exactly is going on? A so called religious group using any excuse to abuse, rape, torture and murder innocents.
They say they are religious fundamentalists who want to create some sort of Islamic paradise and it's what God wants. If they really believe that, why do they hide their faces in all of those disgusting videos and photos they love putting online? Is it so they don't have to look at their own faces and see what they are really doing?
News flash - genocide is nothing to do with religion, it's a brutal, self serving, sadistic hedonism of the worst kind and no Paradise will open it's doors to a person like that.
 And to anyone thinking of travelling out to join them: Are you really that naive? Do you really think it has anything to do with any more than making money? It's not about principles, paradise or the words of an ancient prophet - IT'S ABOUT GREED - Greed for land, for power, for oil. Look at the places being attacked, they are countries that have resources or are near to them but that are, for many reasons, susceptible to attack. When the dust settles you can bet your soul to any God that the leaders of that abhorrence will forget their pious words and promises to live just exactly the sort of lives they preach are evil - so many sins, so little time

Then we head north to the Crimea and the mess that is the former Soviet Union.
How many people have died over the centuries fighting over the Crimea? How many more will now die because those with the power have not learned from history?
Are there really that many Ukrainians who really want to become Russians? Why now, after all these years has it suddenly flared up? I look at the news reports and see only people too young to have any memory of what life in the Soviet Union was like, people living off dreams and idealisms.
Of course there's also Russia's answer to action man feeding fire, President Putin. He dreams of the glorious old days, of rebuilding the empire with himself at the top of the pile but this time there is no pretence of communistic equality. Greed and power, again, seducing the younger generations with dreams of a history that never was and a glorious future that will never be. Worse, the fever is spreading to more of the old countries.
And in the midst of it all, Putin fluffs is feathers declaring his self importance and invincibility (more dreams I'm sorry to say, Mr Putin) while all I can think of is the Third Reich annexing the Sudetenland and how for years all the other European countries did was impose sanctions. Remember how that turned out?

On to another continent and Ebola has Africans so terrified they abandon their relatives in the street, while massive cultural misunderstanding has those infected fleeing the very hospitals trying to help them.
For the rest of the world it's time to batten down the hatches and wait for it to pass, except we can't. Step aside from the obvious ethical dilemmas and there is the practicality. How do you stop the spread of this terrible illness when global travel could have someone spread their infection to every continent on the world before even knowing that they are infected?
It's in all of our interests to both quarantine the effected regions and do our very best to help them.

And then, closest to home and linked in so many ways to everything else going on in the world, there is the ferry that was stormed in Calais by immigrants desperate to get to the UK.
For anyone with any thoughts of coming here - we are not so far from imploding ourselves. Yes, the benefits system is massively abused but rest assured that is changing. Socialist politics is all the rage, Scotland has an imminent vote on independence and the last time I checked our streets were potted holed tarmac, not gold.
The French are shouting about how they are tired of acting as our immigration officials, how people in Calais are tired of putting up with the mess and danger of the illegal immigrants who risk life and limb for a shot at the dream, but it is quite clear this mass influx of people wanting to get out of France and in to Britain are themselves not French, so where were the French immigration officials when their borders were crossed?

I can't pretend to have the answers, I'm not that smart and I won't pretend to be, but their are certain things I can't ignore, so here is my humble plan for the future:
  • I will lose more weight. This not as selfish as it at first seems, it allows me to do more to help others in the following ways -
  • I will become an egg donor. It has been on my mind for some time, family is so important and it is a terrible shame for people to desperate want children and not to have them. So for those who can't adopt (for any of the frivolous reasons local authorities shamefully put in their way) I will give the gift of a chance.
  • I will become a Reserve in the Armed Forces while I am still young enough to do it. It is risky but it is so worthwhile.

The selfishness of my imagined world of magic and monsters is not going to cut it today. There are too many monsters in the real world and too little magic. If nothing else is achieved today, I hope a tiny piece of magic filters back into the real world, a tiny miracle, no matter how mundane that makes our world better.

FraidyKat Runs - to be a better human being

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

The Pain! (A review of Regiment Fitness)

Yes, I know, I tried out Regiment Fitness on Saturday and here it is Tuesday and I'm only just telling you how it went. Sorry, I've been too busy feeling sorry for myself.

So, Regiment Fitness...
Bright and early (ish) I turned up at the local park and, after leaving dear partner and the chaos daemons at the playground, made my way to the liveried van and waiting instructor.
He was friendly, professional and encouarging from the onset. There were only three of us there, the class only kicked off a few weeks ago so it's no surprise, but if there is any justice it will soon become a rather larger group because, oh boy, is it hardcore.
Don't get me wrong, for each exercise there is an easy and a hard option and for the running parts a short and long distance, you make it as hard as you like. Unfortunately, I forgot that it's been several years since I did any weightlifting and I may have overdone the squats just slightly - FraidyKat has spent the last three days swearing at stairs because going down has been agony, the nano-gremlins and pain pixies have been partying in my quads since Saturday afternoon.
Despite the pain I shall definitely been going back this week, it was the right sort of pain, muscle exhaustion not injury and it was totally my fault for not stepping it down when I should have.
 And now I'm trying to justify the monthly cost of the classes. It's actually a really good deal, less than a gym membership for unlimited classes where ever you want to take them, I'm only hesitant because I'm already paying for Defence Lab and pennies are tight in FraidyKat's house.

Conclusion: If you have any thoughts of trying a military bootcamp class (and even if you don't), go to Groupon and get the voucher for 5 really cheap sessions. It was great fun and I can't wait until Saturday to torture myself again under the watchful tuition of a strapping military veteran - supporting our returned heroes and getting fit in the great outdoors is a great combination.

Elsewhere in FraidyKat's universe  it's harvest time. Round 1 of the fruit harvest, Damsons and Plums. I love having fruit trees in the garden, it's free food. You do nothing all year and then suddenly there's the frantic harvest to get hold of nature's sweeties. Yum.
We were a bit too late for the Plums :-(, they should have been picked as soon as we got back from Scotland but the time was just not there and the Wasps got to them first. We only salvaged half a dozen plums from the tree.
 The Damsons were a different story. Seven jars of jam, two bottles of gin and two gallons of wine. There would have been more but we were caught short of sugar and yeast and the remains are spoiling, so it's going in the composter for the vegetable garden.
Next will be the apple trees, mmm cider, and pear trees (all for dear partner, FraidyKat doesn't do pears, ickky).

I bring up the fruit harvest because I have returned to thinking about my diet and nutrition.
Last week I had my pre-op assessment and tests so I am expecting to go in for my gallbladder operation in the next couple of weeks (fingers crossed). This brings with it tantalising promise of freedom from the low fat purgatory I have found myself in, but I must not fall into the trap so many other people do and gain weight post-op. Freedom to eat the foods so long forbidden is a powerful draw, I just hope that fat loss is a bigger draw and I am able to just tweak the diet rather than abandon it.

We seem to be experiencing an explosion in the rabbit population at the moment, what is feeding this? Is it the windfall apples? They have been battling the wasps for the honour.
It's a battle to see who wins the rights to the garden.
The mice have already lost the battle, our Mogs has seen to that, last night we received one and a half mice as a gift - it's always the half that's hard, have you just missed the other half? Are you just about to tread on it?
But there's a new contender in the vicinity, a heavy weight that even Mogs won't dare challenge. There's a new Badger Set at the bottom of the paddock. The real bosses of the rural lands have arrived and they're just toying with the rabbits, letting them think they're in charge while it's convenient, or maybe they just fancy apples right now.

FraidyKat runs - with pain