This morning I had another look at the ToughMudder and oh boy am I rattled.
Just check out some of the obstacles and you'll see why. Toughmudder is evil!
Some of those are just about team work, pulling each other over high walls and out of mud quagmires, but there is a lot of upper body strength needed, rope climbing and monkey rungs, and since I can barely do push ups and I can't do any pull ups (embarrassing but true), my training plan needs a lot of modification to include weight training as well as running.
Strength AND Endurance are key to this challenge; but however long it takes the goal is to complete it.
I have made progress to get this far but now to step it up and put the really hard work in... I'll need it to complete this:
FraidyKat is really pushing the bounds of insanity by daring to believe that this is achievable.
But please don't read too much into that, FraidyKat also believes in sexist housework pixies, nano-gremlins and runner munching vampires - life is far more interesting in this world than the real world, just ask the ninja elephants.
Those mutant moles are still at it, I think they're building a luxury mansion under the garden, complete with four car garage and swmimming pool. The spoils heaps are visible on google earth and the council is investigating whether they need planning permission!
I'm not sure whether it's a case for exterminators or bailiffs but they need to be got rid of before the mountain landscape become impassable.
FraidyKat Runs - In fear of impossible goals
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