Something stole them in the night and gave them to a body builder in need.
Perhaps that's what happens to unused muscles - it would explain why lack of use makes them disappear.
Tiny muscle fairies undertake regular spot audits, checking your muscles blackboxes for usage information. If they are under utilised they are labelled surplus to requirement and sent to a holding yard ready to be transferred to someone who's muscles are being overloaded with work.
To get new muscles therefore, you need to have consistent over usage to make the muscle fairies put you on their transfer list.
I am going to get myself to the top of the muscle waiting list.
My legs are not too bad for muscle but my upper body is shockingly bad and so much in need of new muscle it's embarrassing . I'm going to have to over haul my training plan and return to doing the circuit training.
After that it's some major nutritional research.
I don't know how it is for everyone else, but there's a lot going on in the FraidyKat mythical critter factory and it's really picky about it's fuel.
Nutrition needs to fulfill the following:
- Facilitate fat loss
- Promote muscle growth
- Encourage muscle recovery between workouts
- Give energy for those workouts
- And most importantly - Produce quality milk for the youngest Chaos agent (FraidyKat is a five star fuel refinery and distribution centre)
Compound them with gallstones (low fat diet only while on the NHS snail paced waiting list) and occasional bouts of IBS and you have a calculation worthy of the mysteries of the universe (42!).
Until I win the lottery (I can dream) and get my full time chef, nutritionist and personal trainer, I suppose I'll just have to keeping taking the supplements - pregnacare, expensive but I trust them - and keep on basic low fat foods while trying avoid the trap of the 'low fat' labelled foods that reduce their fat by ramping up their sugar.
When did eating become so complicated?
Little Mogs has suddenly stopped bringing home little squeaky offerings and begun spending her time hiding in the bedroom. Either the giant rats have migrated from the towns or a mousegod has moved into the long grass next to the Paddock and his guarding his kin.
I'll let you know when the plague of mice begins and when the cheese offerings are needed.
FraidyKat Runs - for Fairy Auditors
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