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Sunday, 11 May 2014

Hill! - The new expletive

Having tried a new route for my run today I have discovered a new expletive: Hill!
This was the result of a minor miscalculation on my part.
What appears to be a long gentle incline when riding in one's most incredible motor carriage is actually a painful slog up a steep a*** cliff for this novice runner.
Oops, but masochist that I am, I am considering making this my usual route now so that I can measure my improvement by how far up that cliff I can drag myself before being reduced to a crawling wheezing heap.
The downside to all of this, as I guess I should have expected, is that it has attracted the pain fairies, who even now are beginning to nibble at my ankles. *sigh*
Another observation from today's run regards kit - specifically kit combinations.
Aftershoks headphones + cap = comfort
Aftershoks headphones + beanie = not so much comfort.
It was something I adjusted to but the fixed band behind the head was at just the wrong height and I had to pull up the back of the beanie to counter it.
I guess this would be an issue with any fixed band headphones though so not so much of a complaint as an observation.

I have been reassured that despite some exuberant hunting activities this weekend neither cat nor Chaos Agent has left a present on the mat. Although the sandpit is looking suspiciously lumpy now. Perhaps I should investigate. How does one properly bury a kobold or goblin? Is it proper ettiquette to bury them under the flowerbed or do they require cremation in the incinerator with the garden waste?

FraidyKat Runs - Away from hills

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