Today FraidyKat swung through the trees just like Tarzan - at least the way Tarzan would after having to submit a Risk Assessment and Method Statement and get them approved by the HSE Monkeys.
Nonetheless, I did have a lot of fun at Go Ape in Woburn Safari Park.
Most of the course consists of variations on rope bridges of the like you would not be surprised to see in a childrens playground, it's just that children don't normally run across rope bridges in the treetops (okay, I may have done just that as a child but I know I'm not a typical example), so it's more of a mental challenge than anything else. That said, I'm going to have a good collection of bruises tomorrow. I blame those on a combination of rain making the course slippery and FraidyKat not being as well coordinated as she would like.
A good purple bruise can be pretty in a twisted sort of way, it's a badge of honour when you can say you got it doing something a little adventurous. That gives me a reason to not hide them and to smile when people ask how I got them.
While getting wet and dirty in the trees the question of zombie longevity came up (I don't know why, it's the sort of weird conversation that comes up in our household). In certain fantasy/horror universes they can linger for years, in others they are gone in a few months. I suppose it depends on the definition of a zombie as much as anything else.
I will have to devise a trap and safe containment area to test a few of the local zombies. What variety do we have here?
FraidyKat Runs - Through the trees
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