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Monday, 3 March 2014


Pure elation while coherent and fully legal, if not fully able, to drive. That's not something you experience every day and it's something I have not felt for too long (and it's not bedroom related activity by the way - it's not that sort of blog!).
So what has provided this completely legal high? Well, a clue is the accompaniment of burning jelly formerly known as muscle and a liberal sprinkling (okay a showering) of saline solution.
It's training night and we were on the pads for most of the session, punching and kicking. We had the keep our legs bent and as the lead instructor said "if your legs are burning you're probably doing it right".
I must have been doing it perfectly. Ouchy.

Anyway, buzz. That's when the burn gives way, you stop for a drink and despite the soul aching tiredness all you can do is smile.
That exercise high has taken me a few weeks to find but finally it is here and I hope to keep finding it on regular basis from now on.

FraidyKat runs - for the buzz
Food day

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